10% off The Flax Flower Box Collection using promo code WINTER10

Studio Flax Contact / Opening Hours / Wholesale

Our studio is at 10 Christmas Steps, Bristol, UK.
We work in the backrooms of a gorgeous old building on historical steps at the Christmas Steps Arts Quarter

We collect colours, textures and the odd, weird and wonderful. Our stock is constantly changing, both with seasons and with the materials we find. 

We currently have a great new stock of 60s linen embroidery threads, Swedish mid century handmade textiles, folk art wood carvings and goods for the home, antique and vintage haberdashery.

We also stock excellent post- and notecards from Fotofolio, The Pattern Book and our popular Treasure Boxes which are collections of different fine threads in vintage linen thread boxes.  

We are working in the busy studio upstairs most days. Please send an email if you would like to come by and we can arrange a suitable time.

December opening hours:
- Saturdays 12-5PM
- Tuesday to Friday we can usually open 12-2pm, and some evenings
By appointment to studioflax.info@gmail.com

Ring the bell sign will be visible for days we have time for spontaneous visits! 

Shop questions and customer service:


Wholesale and collaboration requests are best emailed to studioflaxbristol@gmail.com 
Please include your web details and let us know which of our boxes and kits you have worked with and liked. 

Thank you!